Word: happyHappy Meanings:
- Favored by hap, luck, or fortune; lucky; fortunate; successful; prosperous; satisfying desire; as, a happy expedient; a happy effort; a happy venture; a happy omen
- Experiencing the effect of favorable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous; as, happy hours, happy thoughts
- Dexterous; ready; apt; felicitous
- Experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; favored by fortune or luck; fortunate, lucky, propitious.
- Content, willing, satisfied (with or to do something); having no objection (to something).
- (Of acts, speech, etc.) Appropriate, apt, felicitous.
- (in combination) Favoring or inclined to use.
- (rare, of people, often followed by "at" or "in") Dexterous, ready, skilful.
- Implying 'May you have a happy ~' or similar; used in phrases to wish someone happiness or good fortune at the time of a festival, celebration, or other event or activity. Happy birthday!, Happy Fourth of July!, Happy anniversary!, Happy job-hunting!
- (contented, joyous): Said of people, hours, times, thoughts, etc.
- (fortunate, lucky): Said of efforts, expedients, omens, ventures, etc.
- (contented, joyous): cheerful, content, delighted, elated, exultant, glad, joyful, jubilant, merry
- (fortunate, lucky): fortunate, lucky, propitious
- (contented, joyous): blue, depressed, down, miserable, moody, morose, sad, unhappy
- (fortunate, lucky): unfortunate, unlucky, unpropitious
- (content, satisfied): disenchanted, dissatisfied
- (appropriate, apt): inappropriate, inapt, unfelicitous
- (informal, rare) A happy event, thing, person, etc.
- (intransitive, informal) Often followed by up: to become happy; to brighten up, to cheer up.
- (transitive, informal) Often followed by up: to make happy; to brighten, to cheer, to enliven.
- (by extension in Hong Kong Cantonese, neologism elsewhere, euphemistic) to party; to make love
- (Hong Kong Cantonese) happy; delightful; delighted
- (Hong Kong Cantonese) happily; delightfully; delightedly
- (colloquial, chiefly predicative) glad; satisfied; momentarily happy
- The German word is used as a synonym of froh (“glad, momentarily happy”) rather than glücklich (“happy, both momentarily and generally in life”).
- On the rare occasion that this adjective is used attributively, the positive form happy typically remains undeclined, whereas the comparison forms are declined in the normal fashion.
- English: happy
- Yola: happie
- “happī, adj. & adv.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.